

只要心念夠強大 意志夠堅定

便能吸引需要的演員 配合演出

如果有人想演出 被遺棄 被孤立的戲碼

很詭諊的 身邊的親朋好友就會離他而去

這場自導自演的戲 也就真實上映了


而且 只要我們需要的演員 沒有覺知


然後 一再餵食我們本身需要滋糧的細胞


直到有一天 我們醒過來 拒絕再餵養自己有毒的細胞

拒絕再無意識的配合他人演出 他們編導的劇本

如此 我們真的才擁有了自由意志 才真的是自己的主人


為什麼 現在的心靈課程 療癒方法 都要先看到自己

我想是因為 當我們真的遇見自己 開始演出的人生 那才會真的是我們的藍圖

也才不會讓生命中的其他個體 陪我們演出一團荒謬的戲碼

我們的能量波 穿透一切 並且能如實呈現心的圖像


我的負面思想可能會讓別人也被我捲入  只為了滿足我的渴望

我就會一再提醒自己  謹言慎行 並且觀照自己每一分思想 念頭 

至少 這是我能為宇宙做的一些些事 減少一份動盪的力量  維持一份沉靜

Have you heard
It was on the news
Your child can read you like a bedtime story
Like a Magazine
Like a has-been out to grass
Like afternoon T.V.
Why is my life going by so fast.

Hello I love you
Is there anybody in there?
Put down the phone
Shut up the shop
Make all their techno babble stop
We'll find a short-waved frequency
The wave connecting you and me
Hello I love you

Have you heard
It was on the news
The general staff can't figure out
Is this campaign win or lose
Life is long but it goes fast
The kids will have to separate
Their future from our past

Hello I love you
Is there anybody in there?
The ghosts are walking by my side
I feel their love I feel their pride
For I have built a bridge or two
Bridges between me and you
Hello I love you

Have you heard
It was on the news
You can make your peace
On the dark side of the moon
I'll see you there
We can rock 'n' roll
We can make our choice
We can say goodbye or say hello

Hello I love you
Is there anybody in there


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